Dr. Arun S. Nair

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Understanding Piles Recurrence Why Do Hemorrhoids Come Back

While hemorrhoid treatments can give significant relief, some people may witness a recurrence of symptoms. In fact, despite effective treatment options, hemorrhoids can return in 2–5% of cases. Hemorrhoids, usually known as piles, are blown veins in the lower rectum and anus, causing discomfort, itching, and bleeding. Dr. Arun Nair, a leading piles specialist in Thrissur, highlights the significance of addressing the underlying causes to prevent recurrence and offers developed treatments to help patients achieve long-term relief.

Hemorrhoids are blown blood vessels in the anus and rectum. They can be categorized into two types.

  • Internal hemorrhoids: These are located inside the rectum and are constantly asymptomatic until they grow large enough to prolapse or bleed.
  • External hemorrhoids: These are found outside the anus and can be painful, especially when they grow thrombosed( filled with blood clots).

Several factors can contribute to the recurrence of hemorrhoids:

  • Chronic constipation or diarrhea: Straining or constant bowel motions set pressure on rectal modes.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth: Hormonal changes and pressure during pregnancy increase hemorrhoid threat.
  • Aging: Weakened rectal tissue with age can cause hemorrhoids.
  • Heavy lifting: Straining activities can trigger a recurrence.
  • Low-fiber diet: Poor fiber input causes constipation, boosting threat.
  • Medical conditions: Issues like seditious bowel complaints or liver conditions can intensify the hemorrhoid threat.

Hemorrhoids frequently reoccur because the underlying causes that contribute to their formation aren’t addressed. However, your hemorrhoids may come ago, If you continue to strain during bowel motions or have habitual constipation or diarrhea. Additionally, some people may have an inheritable predisposition to hemorrhoids, making them more likely to develop them.

It is not uncommon for hemorrhoids to come and go. The severity of symptoms can vary over time, and some people may experience flare-ups of hemorrhoids followed by periods of remission.

Dr. Arun Nair a laparoscopic surgeon in Thrissur suggests some tips to prevent piles recurrence

  • Eat High- Fiber Foods: Incorporate fruits, vegetables, and entire grains to prevent constipation.
  • Stay Doused: Drink plenty of water to keep droppings soft.
  • Avoid Straining: Consult your healthcare for treatments if you struggle with bowel motions.
  • Exercise Regularly: Regular activity supports healthy bowel function.
  • Manage Stress: Chronic stress can worsen digestive effects.
  • Move Frequently: Avoid sitting or standing for long times; stretch and move around.
  • Use OTC Remedies: Hemorrhoid creams or suppositories can help symptoms and aid recovery.

If you’re struggling with recurring hemorrhoids there are a range of treatment options available, depending on the severity of your symptoms such as:

  • Lifestyle and Dietary Changes: Often, hemorrhoids can be managed by making adjustments to your diet and routine, similar to increasing fiber input and reducing strain during bowel motions.
  • Over-the-Counter Remedies: There are several topical treatments, involving creams and ointments, that can give relief from itching, pain, and swelling.
  • Minimally Invasive Procedures: For persistent or severe cases, minimally invasive treatments like rubber band ligation or sclerotherapy may be recommended to remove or shrink the hemorrhoids.
  • Laser Treatment: This advanced option is increasingly preferred for its precision, minimal invasiveness, and shorter reclamation time. With a success rate of 70 – 100, laser treatment for piles offers effective long-term relief. Dr. Arun Nair provides expert laser treatment in Thrissur, assuring you receive the best care for lasting outcomes.
  • Surgical Options: In cases where hemorrhoids are large or do not respond to other treatments, surgery may be necessary to remove them.

Struggling with recurring hemorrhoids? Dr. Arun Nair, a gastro surgeon in Thrissur, offers developed treatments for lasting relief. From personalized care to innovative laser options, Dr. Arun Nair provides complete solutions suited to your requirements. Book an appointment today to start your path to effective relief.